Saturday, December 8, 2012

Gym Rat

The majority of my childhood/teen years were spent in a gym.  Basketball gym.  My dad always coached and I played or my brothers played or sister played.  We were in the gym ALOT.
I loved it.  To this day walking into my old high school gym floods me with good, happy emotions.  I love the sounds of sneakers squeaking on the gym floor, shouts and hollers echoing off the walls, the smell of the waxed floors. 

This adventure of starting a CrossFit gym is beginning to conjure up those same feelings and connections.  Our first week has been really incredible.  We super love our initial groupies and are excited about our newbies starting!
I find myself wanting to go down the street to the gym.  Where I use to grab a ball and shoot around at the basketball gym, now I sit on the rower for a few 100 meters, do a few pull-ups, and work on some Olympic lifts.  I love hearing the door open and our people coming in for their wod.  I love hearing them joke and chat together as they get warmed up.  I love coaching.
I am certain that may wane some as time goes on...or maybe it won't. We're still honeymooning right now :)  What I am sure about is we're really happy we ventured down this path. And I super like being a gym rat again.

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