Thursday, July 24, 2014

Maybe, just maybe

We got a simple email and my heart swelled and my eyes welled up and I hoped.  I hoped for just a second, then another second.  
We've been sitting on the adoption thing for about 2 years now.  It has mostly felt like a longing.  Nothing tangible.  No timeline or path.  No, if you do x, y and z, it will work out.  Just a gentle push to keep going.  Keep building relationships, regardless of outcome. Keep visiting and loving and caring for the children and for Josie, even if that's the extent of our "adoption."  And all along, I kept that hope tucked away, waiting for the next good news.
The email was this...that most likely, provided the inspection of the orphanage goes well and I CANNOT imagine it not because it is just immaculate and Josie is incredible and loving and the kids are so kind and polite and a hundred other reasons, they will have their creche license by October or November.  At that point, they find an US agency to partner with and then we start our process. It's a timeline or as close to one as we've had.  It's a real, tangible piece of paper that says it's possible for us to adopt from this orphanage.  It was what we have hoped for from the beginning. Just a shot.  A chance to see if this can happen.  I'm not holding out any certainty because I just can't be sure.  I could say I was sure that the end result was an adoption of the siblings we have prayed for, but I'd be lying.  I'm not sure.  We're taking each step as it comes, never certain that the next one will go like we want.  
But, wow, hope feels so good.

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