Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One week

In one week, I go again to Haiti.  It feels different this time.  Less unknowns, more excitement for the known.  More work this trip, but opportunities to meet more people and literally have a hand in a project or two. 
The lead up to this trip has been stressful to say the least.  The logistics have been challenging.  Chad will be gone for part of the time I am gone which means we had 2 older unattended children that needed to be taken care of.  It's all worked out thanks to yet, again, the rockstar group of people I get to call friends.  Cory and Caleb will be with my mom, who not only agrees to take care of my babies, but relishes their time together!
To add a little excitement to the buildup, Elijah was sick last week/weekend, Autumn got sick Sunday night (but should be good to go tomorrow), Cory and Caleb got sick last night.  Here is one thing I'm certain of...I have really good sick kids.  They are not overly demanding or whiny.  They want to lay on the couch, watch movies, and drink juice or water.  I snuggle them and give them meds if needed, but mostly they just rest.  I hope this translates to quick recoveries.  I'm fully anticipating getting sick as well, but pray that it is sooner rather then later.
I had a bit of a meltdown this afternoon.  I may have another one later just for good measure.  It's a complicated mess of feelings and emotions.
I truly cannot explain the attachment I have to Haiti.  It is bizarre even to me.  It does not seem foreign when I'm there.  It feels a little like home. I "joke" that I would move there if I could, when in reality, it's no joke.  I feel like we have children there in some manner.  Not yet adopted/sponsored/mentored.  Something.  I wish I could put better words to these feelings.  They are elusive, but I know I can cry in an instant thinking about it.
So in one week, I go.  And I'll come back to my well cared for babies, my ultra capable husband and another little piece of my heart left behind in Haiti.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


The logistics of a Saturday during basketball season for us would have made my 20 year old self run to bed crying for my momma.

Thankfully, we ease into a schedule like this over years rather then thrown into it so I have convinced myself that it's not a big deal. :/

5 basketball games today at 5 different times in 3 different places, 2 CrossFit classes to each, 2 workouts that needed to be done by Chad and I, demolition on a wall in the gym(Thank you, Jeramy!!), 2 windows getting replaced that little people shattered being fixed( Thank you, George!!) and I think that's it.....needless to say, I'm not getting any housework done today.

And to just had a little flavor to the weekend, cause who needs downtime...my car is done and we'll be driving to my parents tomorrow to pick up the car and get a whole lot of cow we bought from a farmer.

And so goes our weekend!!  Hope yours are much more relaxed!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

On why I CrossFit...

Seeing as today is one of those days where I haven't gotten enough sleep, we have sick kids in the house, I haven't worked out in 2 days and I'm not sure that I'll get to it today, and I have munched on a BBQ chicken pizza all afternoon, it's a good time to remind myself and maybe you, as well, why I CrossFit.

One of the things we're taught about is that we are all on a continuum that can range from sickness to wellness to fitness.  Part of the reason I find CrossFit so effective is that I know I am closer to fitness then sickness.  What that means is I've created somewhat of a hedge against chronic sickness.  Now that does not mean, I never get sick.  What it does mean is that on this continuum of health, it will take a disease, a catastrophic injury, or profound and extensive reversal of exercise and nutrition practices to move me past wellness to sickness.
sickness                         wellness                          fitness

Not the best graph, but you get the idea. 

This really helps me remember on days like today when I'm not feeling very "Crossfitty", that all those times I did the workouts when I didn't feel like it, that those mattered to keep moving me towards fitness and health.  And today, if I don't get a workout in, that that's ok, too.  Missing a day here or there, doesn't throw me into disease and sickness.
Our lives as moms and wives and friends and sisters are busy.  Working to move yourself past wellness and towards fitness should be a priority, but it's also important to remember we have a lot of things pulling us different directions and it's a process.  You won't become "fit" in a week or undo any work you've done in a few days.  Steady wins the race here.  We'll all spend a lifetime building that hedge up.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Playing catch up

Always, I'm "catching up."
Catching up on laundry, dishes, sleep(impossible to do), paperwork, blogging, with friends.
I've got to rephrase this.  Catching up means I'm behind, which in reality, I'm not really.  Being behind suggests there is some standard to keep up with and I'm just not a fan of standards that create guilt.
And so rather than say I'm catching up on the blog, I'll just say I'll inform you of the goings on of the past few days!! Better right?   

It's always tough to follow the last post.  Where do I go from there?
On, I guess.

A few things on my mind...
Saturday was the 3 year anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti.  Images and emotions were tough, especially having been there since the quake.  The organization Help One Now that we had helped support through Pure Charity broke ground on the school that day, as well.  A beautiful full circle moment for those affected by the earthquake.

I leave for Haiti in 3 weeks.  I am excited and a little anxious.  This will be a very different trip.  No Chad, which will be difficult and very different experiences, as well.  We'll be going to a children's hospital, Mother Teresa's Home for the Dying, putting on a VBS for some children in a village and working at a couple orphanages.
It will be a full week with very little communication to and from home.  I have to keep telling myself, we're all going to be ok.

Elijah is part of a scholars program at school.  As part of this, each student was given an Ipod Touch.  Why?  I still don't know.  One, because Elijah declined his because he said he didn't need it. HUH?? Who does that?  And two, because we haven't gotten any information from the school regarding it unless that info only came home with kids who took the Ipod.  I asked Elijah what they were suppose to be using it for and he said so they could do research and educational things at home if they needed to.  I'd like to know the % of kids that do not have internet access at home, in which this would be a useful tool to have.  I'm guessing it's 0%.  My other thought is I think it's my decision whether my child gets a device that has internet access.  Who is regulating the use of these?  I asked Elijah what apps kids had on their Ipod's.  NBA Access.  Sports apps. Games.
Really?  So very educational.  I love it that he declined it.  He is not moved by the masses.  I adore that about him.  And I kinda want him to bring it home so I can play with it cause apparently I can get some sweet games on them. :)

I went to Vegas, had a blast, met some awesome people, absorbed a ton of CF info, and PASSED THE TEST!  I'm officially a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer.  Sounds fancy, huh?  It's the only title I've ever had!
And along those lines, this gym thing is rockin'!  We're up to 28 members!  It's an awesome group to work with and we're loving the community these people are creating with us.

Our car is still in MO.  It's become quite the episode.  We're getting a totally "new" engine.  Used, but new.  44000 miles on it, which is quite the upgrade.  What this means is it will hopefully run for years to come.  Going on 3 weeks now without it and it's been fine.  Thankfully, we've done the 1 car thing for years so it hasn't been too traumatic or inconvenient. 

I think that may be it.  And now you're informed! :)


Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's that day.

The one that hurts.  Makes me a bit melancholy some years, a sobbing mess others and fiercely introspective others.

This year, I am melancholy.  I woke up too early today. 440am.  I hurried through the first few hours of the day before I realized what today is. 
Ten years go by so fast.
I'm merely a shadow of who I was 10 years ago.  The girl who got the call that her little brother had passed on handled it as best she could.

Gut wrenching sadness.  Auto-pilot days and nights. Some things felt painfully harsh. The air was colder, the wind stronger.  And other things dulled.  Colors and sounds.

Today I am sad, but hopeful.  Luke provides me with such a perspective.  That kind of loss at that time in my life was profound.  Life-shaping.  World-shifting. 
I would gladly trade those life lessons for my baby brother.  He always saw the good in things.  If he could find the good, surely it's in me to see the good, as well.  And so I try, in everything, to find that silver lining however small.  It's there, sometimes hidden under pain and loss and sadness and anger. 
Look for it.  Dig for it.  It's worth the effort to find the good.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Big weekend coming up. 
This thing we've taken on called a CrossFit gym has been a total blast so far. 
Next step for me is become certified rather than being an "apprentice."
That means a weekend away by myself (YAY!), 2 full days of instruction (YAY!), and a 50 question test. (UGH!)

I don't have a problem with taking tests, per se.  It's just that I haven't taken a test in oh, probably a decade. I haven't studied for anything in well over 5 years and I'm just a wee bit nervous about this test. 
I know I know what I know and I think I know what I need to know.  It's just that little voice inside that says, "maybe you won't pass."
Thankfully, CrossFit carries over even into this.  Shocker.  I've had to silence many a voices over the years of doing CrossFit.  Many, "you can't do that", "it's not worth the effort", "don't bother", "why would you want to".  I'll silence this voice like I silence the others by just doing it anyway.  Nothing fancy.  No big motivational talks. Just, go do it and see how it goes down.
I'm super excited to go learn alongside what I'm sure to be are excellent coaches.  I hope what I come back with is helpful to those at our box.  And, quite frankly, I hope I don't learn a whole lot cause I've been studying this stuff ALOT!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A year in review

2012 in bullet points...(if you don't want to reread my 2012, you may want to skip this one!)

*3 year olds are hard to deal with, hilarious to talk to, impossible not to love and mind-boggling obnoxious.  Early 2012 was filled with retelling this bit of proof.

*We spent a quick weekend in Frisco to cheer on our favorite people in the FCS Championship game!  A few things to remember here.

*February brought a forever change, our first house project and a mishap.

*A trifecta of vision changing books started with Kisses from Katie, then here and finally with an experiment.

*Epic birthday party, dance girl, and our first pet loss...here.

*A "NO WAY!" moment, clarity and a community of love were all pivotal moments in 2012!

*A job change and a much anticipated 4th birthday for THIS GUY!

*No football for the first time in 8 years meant a very different fall season for us. But it also allowed us to fulfill a dream.
*Questions were answered, birthday revelations were revealed, and a much needed trip.
*And a full November and December!
What a year!! Many changes for us and lots to look forward to in the coming year!!
Happy New Year!!