Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Pops rocks!

It wouldn't feel complete today unless I said something about the super awesome guy I call Dad, or Daddy, or Pops, or Big Man, or Old Man. Just depends on the situation.

He is the most patient, gentle, kind, sacrificial man I know. He truly lives his faith and has fun doing it. He loves my mom like crazy and has been such a constant in my life. I never, not once, questioned his love for me, my mom, or my 9 siblings. Yeah, 9 that means there were 10 of us he had to work to feed, clothe, and care for. He did it wonderfully. Our lives weren't flashy, we didn't have much, but we had what was most important.

He doesn't read this blog, but for the 2 people that do read it, now you know. My Pops rocks!! :)

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