Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Run, rinse, repeat...

That's how my summer has been going.

Not actual running, unfortunately. I've only done that a couple times.

Running, as in running around from one thing to the next with little to no regard for my sanity.

This week in particular I will be glad to have over. It's "activity week." Which means its the one week that is uber duber crazy with my kids doing stuff. I don't mind it mostly because it's just one week like this.
This is how it's gone.
8:30-drop Autumn off at volleyball camp
leave boys at Toddler Time.
Go to house or church to work
9:45 pick Autumn and boys up
10:30 take Autumn to art camp
11:00 take Cory to swim lessons
11:30 pick up Autumn at art camp
11:45 pick Cory up at swim lessons
Pray that my father in law who is town with my mother in law will take us to McDonalds so I don't have to fix lunch. He's done that a few times and I'm SO glad when he does :)
Today I also drove my route for the summer lunch program from 12-1.
Thank goodness my baby is still in the napping stage cause I don't think I would stop if he wasn't.
Evenings have been full with tball and baseball games, saying goodbye to my beautiful friend Amy, and packing for the upcoming move.

After this week, our days should, for the most part, go back to being lazy. Which means my kids will be super bored and very annoying and I might sell them to some passerby who thinks they are cute.

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