"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. I am large-I contain multitudes" --Walt Whitman
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Ode to my Grandma
My grandma is going to turn 90 at the end of this month and I'm doing a video montage for our family. I thought I'd share a few pictures that have really touched me. She is such an amazing woman. An old Irish gal from Minnesota who fell in love with a soldier. She lived through WWII, as did my drill sargent grandfather. There was one point during the bombing in London, that my grandma knew that is where my grandfather had been, but didn't hear from him for 3 weeks! In our current society of instant information, this is so hard to comprehend. She is always full of stories. I honestly think I could write a book with all the stories she has told me. She and my grandpa, who passed away a few years ago lived a full, beautiful life and I'm just so thankful that she is still in our lives. What a gift we have been given to have such a wonderful lady!
That is awesome!!! So happy you can celebrate her 90th birthday with her..