Friday, April 19, 2013

Blogging lull

It appears that I'm going through a lull in blogging.  I've noticed over the past several years of this online journaling thing that periodically, I just have nothing to say or at times, that I have too much to say.
Right now, I have too much to say.  My mind is a jumble of thoughts and ideas, opinions and stories.
Nothing that is overly profound, but much that is taking up brain space.

Generally, when this lull hits I resort to bullet point posts to unload a bit, but I can't hardly do that right now.  My mind bounces from one thing to the next without resting anywhere for long.
In any given minute, I will have thought about Haiti, Elijah homeschooling next year, the Boston bombing, my grocery list, how badly I need to clean the basement, how maddeningly busy May is going to be, my siblings, my parents, my friends, the bill I need to drop off,  the books I'm reading, working out, what's for dinner, why do my little boys fight so much, how yuck I feel when I eat just carbs, and...and...and...

Geez, I think they have medication for this kind of thing.

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