Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 reasons why winter sucks(followed by maybe 2 or 3 reasons it can be tolerated)

1. Its cold outside.  
2. I'm not really sure why I need to go on, but I will.  
3. I'm cold.  All the time.  Well, scratch that.  I'm not cold when I'm curled up in bed with 3 blankets on top of me and I'm not cold in a skin-melting steamy hot bathtub.  Otherwise I'm cold.
4. Cold makes me grumpy.  It makes me suspicious of people who are happy in the winter.  Like they don't have nerve endings that sense cold.  Or it makes me jealous of them cause they seem to be able to feel their fingers and toes.
5. I have to wear a lot of clothes to function.  For example, right now I have on 2 shirts, 1 sweatshirt, leggings, socks, boots and a stocking hat.  And I'm inside my house.  And I'm cold.  I don't even like shoes. Or clothes for that matter.  I could be a nudist.  So winter sucks.
6. Imagine all the things you can accomplish in life from under a pile of blankets or in a hot bath.  It's not much so I shiver my way through the days.  And shivering is hard work.
7. Cars need "warming up."  I find this particularly cruel.  So I have to go outside to start my cold car in order to go outside in 10 minutes to get in my slightly less cold car to drive it?  Yes, yes, I know there is remote start, but really?  Putting a remote start in a 9 year old beat up Ford Freestyle that is heaving it's last breaths(PLEASE DIE) seems a bit ridiculous.   Almost as ridiculous as taking the time to "warm it up."
8. My car is horrifically dirty on the inside(and outside) during the winter because it's too cold to spend 10 minutes to clean out all the garbage/toys/french fries/socks/shoes/small children/etc. that have been left in the car since October.  
9.  Short days.  My body doesn't really function well before 10 AM and with the sun going down early, it starts to think about bed around 5:00 PM.  That's not a whole lot of time to take hot bathes and lay in my bed under the covers while imagining all the things I should be doing, like feeding my children, or educating them. 
10. Coffee consumption takes on a whole life of it's own.  Now this could be taken as a reason winter is awesome cause coffee is awesome, but no one likes that jittery, heart-racing coffee OD feeling.  But it's cold and when it's cold, I want hot coffee.  Lots of it.

The following is shared in the hopes that you don't think I'm some Debbie Downer...(which I kind of am, but only from Nov-March).
3 reasons why winter can be tolerated...
1. I can't really think of one.
2. Ok, fine. Boots.  Boots are cute.  I would argue they are just as cute when worn in 50+ degree weather, but I suppose they are a little cuter if there is snow on the ground or something.
3. Sweaters.  I really do like sweaters.  I like them even more when I have to pack them away each spring.

That's all I got, folks!

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