Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It comes to this.

Bullet points.  Why do I default to writing in bullet points?  If I could get myself to actually write more than once a week, bullet points would not seem necessary, but alas, it is where I am.  My thoughts reduced to bullet points. 

* Caleb is doing really well at school.  
We had one major meltdown day that consisted of me leaving him crying and then going to pick him up 30 minutes later cause he wouldn't calm down.  He took a nap that day and was kinda crummy feeling so I'm chalking it up on him being sick!   Otherwise, he is making headway reading and is mostly excited to go each day. He has managed to time his bowel movements on several days to be the moment he gets to school, so that's been fun.  You're welcome for that information.

*Getting a dog was an awesome decision.  Xena has become such a part of the family that I don't really remember what it was like before having her.  

*Chad and I got tattoos.

 I was going to write a whole post about it and I may still, but the long and short of it is, we're happy we did it.  I love mine and my mom said it best..."It's tattooed on my heart, too."  So true, Momma. 

*We had 3 teams from the gym travel to Omaha a few weekends ago for a CrossFit competition.

 I was not planning on competing but circumstances changed so I ended up doing it and I am glad I did.  My team was awesome and we had a great time.  I had a good bit of anxiety leading up to it, but was really happy with how the weekend turned out.  I got to spend some much needed time with some of my family too!

* On that note, my brother Jake is writing a book about our family and our loss of Luke 11 years ago.
 He is going to be interviewing each of the siblings and our parents.  I am excited and scared.  There is a good bit of baggage from that time in my life and I've left it somewhat untouched for quite some time.  The past month or more has been exceedingly difficult for many reasons and it has shown me to some degree how losing Luke and the circumstances surrounding that time have affected how I deal with stress and my relationships.  I'm ready to unpack all that and Jake will be a wonderful person to do that with.

* People and relationships can be complicated.  We deal with a wide range of people on a daily basis at the gym.  It is one of the things I love and one of the things that can be the most difficult. We've had to make some tough choices this past month and it has made us more aware than usual of our words and actions and how those need to match.  I am a firm believer that words only care weight when they match our actions.  We have repeatedly tried to make sure those are one and the same.  That has required us to say less and do more. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all and let actions speak for us.  Our gym is a valuable part of our lives and we take it and our members seriously.  It has been a bit of a complicated transition, but we are stronger and tighter as a community than ever and I'm so proud of our people.

*Haiti, Haiti, Haiti.  It's on my brain, my heart all the time. 

Here are a few reasons!

 And, I miss my friend, Josie!
Mathou and Roby!
Plus Junior who didn't make it in the picture!
And if I needed any more reasons.
 We're going in April and it's all I can do to not put together a paper chain or mark the days off the calendar or something to help me with a countdown.

Brain dumped.  Peace out.

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