Monday, May 9, 2011

What a weekend!

I'm a day late on the token Mothers' Day post.  The reason being is that yesterday was CRAZY!  Crazy wonderful!

Elijah had his confirmation yesterday.  I couldn't be more proud of him.  He is traditionally quite young to have gone through confirmation, but he has more knowledge about Scripture and his Lord at the young age of 10 then many adults and I don't imagine that's a bad thing.

It just so happened that confirmation was set for Mothers' Day this year and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it.  We had lots of family members spend the weekend with us including my parents, my in-laws, 2 brothers, one sister (and her boyfriend), a sister-in-law and her family and my 91 year old grandma!  Lots of commotion and lots of fun.  I'll post again soon with some of the fun shenanigans that went on :)

And for Mothers' Day here are just a few things I've learned:
From my mom--This time of little people, noise, dirt, laundry, and diapers goes so quickly.  Don't sweat it.  They amazingly will grow up to be potty-trained, verbal, social, educated adults despite our best efforts and our biggest mistakes.  She has shown me that your faith is more then what you say or do, it is the essence of who you are.  That loving your husband is more valuable to your children then anything else you can give them.  That we live under a constant state of grace, which is honestly all that gets me through some days!
From my mother-in-law--Patience is a virtue worth working on and often comes with practice.  We're never too old to pursue something we love.  Being an example speaks volumes to those around you.  Having sons (and daughters) who respect and love you is a gift.
And in my own mothering experiences I have learned that I can survive on very little sleep, eat peanut butter and jelly alot more then I would like and be ok, clean up some of the most retched things and not gag, and the funniest things in life come from a 2 year old.  With the highest highs and the lowest lows, comes the confidence that I will make it through this life as a mother not by anything I do, but by the grace of God.  It's the only way.
Here's to all the Mothers!


  1. You are one wise momma - I'm proud of you!

  2. Beautiful family picture!! I can still hear E say, "Not my idea!" as he pointed to himself in his vest and tie! :)
