Friday, June 3, 2011


is not a word I was familiar with a few years ago.  My venture into Crossfit has revealed much about fitness, nutrition and my ability to not completely give myself over to any one ideology.
Chad on the other hand is hooked.  He's in.  If someone would have asked him the kind of exercise regimen he would thrive under, Crossfit would have been it. 
This Crossfit stuff is an entire subculture all it's own. 
I have one foot in and one foot out.  I love the idea of it.  I just have a problem with execution.  I have not done anything but crossfit workouts for over a year, aside from the occasional run or one mini triathlon a few months back.  I haven't always done them consistantly.  I love the workouts.  They are generally quick and painful and always effective.  
The reason I've been thinking about this methodology of exercise more recently is our trip to Joplin last weekend.  We did a lot of manual labor in hot weather.  Hauling tree limbs, large pieces of fencing or parts of the house, lots of shoveling.  It was hard.  I was tired at the end of the days, but I was never sore or muscularly fatigued.  Several times while we were there I thought I was really glad I had been doing Crossfit.  My fellow Crossfitter, Shannon, said the same thing.  Everything we had been doing required functional movements, which is one of the main components Crossfit is based on.  Squating, lifting, lunges, balancing on piles of debris.  Over and over again.   We took frequent water breaks, but I was always ready to go back at it.  I had had some seriously tough workouts over the year andI could tell it helped.
I think I get it now.  Don't tell Chad. :)  I think part of my other foot might be sliding over into the Crossfit world.  I doubt that means I'll be neurotic about my workouts.  I am still me, which means I can't be OCD about anything.  It's not in my DNA.  I get the point, though.  These workouts are useful.  I'll keep at it.


  1. You almost had me...almost...till I read that today's workout is 100 of everything. SORE!

  2. HA! I'm thinking about doing them each an hour or two apart, which would be very anti-crossfit :)

  3. Drink your kool-aid. Drink it. DRINK IT!!!!

  4. oh dear.. my ER staff is sooo crossfit crazy. even during my hazmat class they made us do squats in our gear! we have a couple of the trainers that are nurses. nuts i tell you. i have never gone.. but it is huge down here..
