Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sweet conversation

Recently, Elijah and I had a conversation about the kind of girl he should marry. 
It started with Elijah asking me if he thought he should marry a "girly girl" or a "tomboy".  His thought was that he should marry someone kinda inbetween.  He didn't want a "bossy girl with attitude", but he still wanted someone who would cook. 
I quickly dispelled that notion that they are mutually exclusive.
So, I asked him where he felt I fell in the range of girls. 
I asked if he thought I was kinda inbetween. 
He thought for a minute, then said, "Yeah, you are.  I guess I should look to marry someone like my mom." 
I'll try to wipe the grin off my face in the next few days :)

I then asked him what the most important thing was to look for in a wife and he said, "A Christian."  Score again! :)
I also said he should marry someone who was his best friend.  Someone he could go through the roughest times with.  Someone he could talk to about anything.
He said he sometimes wonders if he already knows the girl he would marry or if he's going to meet her later.  He knows God knows, but he's just so curious.  He did mention 3 girl friends that he apparently has considered to be marriage material. 
I love it that he's thinking.  That he's looking for the "right" kind of girl.  I hope his standards hold up cause all 3 of those girls would be quite the catch! :)

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