Monday, April 9, 2012

What to say...

There seems to be a lot of "talking points" rattling around in my head the past few days. 
Not sure where to start so I'll just start here!

I was talking with my super fab sister, Ang, the other day  about Jen Hatmaker's new book, 7.  I haven't read it yet, but have read some reviews and it's definitely on my list.  Ang was telling me the gist of some of it and we got to talking about excess in our lives. 
This happens to be one of my favorite topics.  The irony is that I can never seem to get to the point where I feel balanced in that regard.  Or if I do it's so short-lived that I barely remember.  I love talking about how excessive we are as a nation, but ALWAYS have to point the finger directly back at myself.
I love to live simply. 
I have said this before. 
I don't like stuff. 
I want one of what I need and nothing of what I don't.  Sadly, what I want and what I do and exist in rarely reflect that.  Ang and I were talking about how we balance our societies warped perception of "need" and having to actually live in this society.  How do we balance paying the bills and living with enough?  We determined the best way was to drop off the grid and start a commune!  And since that won't be happening anytime soon, I move on...

We live in a BIG house.  Much bigger then we will ever NEED.  I love it.  It is a beautiful gift.  And it gives me ample space to put stuff where I can not see it for weeks.  Convenient, right?  Blah.
We were talking about how incomes and the cost of living affect this off-balance.  We don't make much by society's standards, yet there are many times I hardly feel like we make enough to live on. 
What a joke!!  All I have to do is look around, look in our cupboards and in our closets and drawers. 
Really??  I'm insane.  Certifiable.  We have too much.
The tricky thing is that when bills are late being paid, or a run to the store has to be put off a day or two. 
Do I still look around and think, "We have so much!"  Not always, but I'm getting there.
So what's enough?  I ask myself that alot.  And not just in a materialistic way...physically, mentally, spiritually, with time, with everything.
Am I spending enough time with my kids, enough time with Chad, enough time in the Word, enough time with my friendships, enough time with me?  It's a daunting list.
And then, I was handed a pretty little package...Easter.  What a perfectly timed reminder (and is there ever not a perfect time to remember Easter?) that He paid enough so that I don't have to worry about the enough. 
We always have enough because He has paid for it all in every category I can conjure up in my budget, my mind, and my life.
And now, if I can just unload the stuff! :-)


  1. You always give me something to think about... ;)

  2. Love it Sarah!! Needed this today....Thanks for always being so honest!
