Thursday, April 19, 2012


I love words. 
They move me.
I could hardly wait to hear the first words out of each of our children's mouths. 
I so wanted to know what they would sound like? 
Over the years, I have wished many times that they wouldn't say quite so MANY words so often! 

And at other times, I just wish they would say something to let me know how they were feeling or what they were thinking.
Words can move people to action, make them pause and reflect, inspire them, and tear them down.
There is power in what we say and write.
I've been thinking lately about how seemingly meaningless comments by myself or others can have an impact on those around us.  And not so much from the speakers point of view, but rather the one who hears it.
Why do we let a single negative comment derail us?  Cause us to doubt what we just a moment ago thought we were sure about?  Make us change our course?
One thoughtless comment can do that. 
Not only do we need to be careful that our words don't create pain in another person, but maybe even moreso, we can't let what others say dictate our course. 

I am as guilty as can be when it comes to speaking without thinking.  Mostly it's under the pretext of humor which can really get me in trouble.  Apparently, I'm not as funny as I think I am at times. 
And I'm a yeller.  My least favorite quality about myself.  I yell at my kids, I rant about this or that, I get all worked up.  This happens less often then it used to, but still too often for my liking. 
Our words can hurt or help.  Hinder or inspire.  Quite frankly, sometimes our words seem to do nothing.  They simply hang in the air.  I often feel like many of my words to my children get left there, hanging in space, never quite hitting the mark.

I love words.  Words of encouragement, of kindness, of love, of laughter.
I hope I remember that the next time I feel the urge to use my words otherwise or allow someone else's words hurt too deep. 

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