Saturday, November 17, 2012

For the love of smart people

Some people have good ideas.  Some people have great ideas.  People like me like to use other people's ideas.
Hence, why I like Pinterest.  I am not an idea's person.  I'm good with someone else coming up with something genius and using it! 
So, the latest genius idea that came from someone else that I've come across is Pure Charity!
Oh my stinkin' goodness.  It's so smart, it hurts.  Lots of bloggers I read have jumped on this one and I wanted to spread the word too.  My blog reach is SUPER limited, but if all 4 of you tell a few people then SOMEONE will join, right??!!?
So go to Pure Charity, create an account, register your card or cards, download the online app and get to making some moolah for charity.  I was blown away by all the online retailers that are a part of this.  Big names. Walmart, Target, Lowes, Home Depot, Sephora, Best Buy, Gap.  ENDLESS!!!  You could literally spend every penny of every purchase for the rest of your life at one of the stores.  AND get $ to give to any of the projects listed! JACKPOT!
What's cool too is you can just put some money in your account whenever too.  So if you want to give $20 to a project, just go ahead.  No shopping required.
Genius, people, pure genius.  Now if I can just get ahold of someone there so I can figure out how to get the orphanage up as a project, I'll be comatose with excitement!

Go.  Do it.  Now. Or at least tell someone else to do it!

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