Sunday, May 16, 2010

sick babies, ballerinas, and clowns

We've had sick kids around here the past few days and it's no fun. Thankfully, things are looking up and they are on the mend.
I'm not FOR sick kids per se, but I must say there are things I treasure about those moments when they are feeling puny.
They lay still...for the most part...

They are cuddlier (yes, I know that's not a real word),and when you have 2 little boys who go 90 mph 90% of the time it's so nice to cuddle sometimes.

We had a busy week with the annual All Schools Day. This is a bit of a strange phenomenon for us. We're not FROM here so we didn't know what to expect 3 years ago at our first ASD. It was fun. I like it. I like traditions. The kids like the carnival, which I pretty much hate, but put up with.

We had our first performer this year in the May Fete craziness...

Our little ballerina in the middle.

So back to the sick kids...Chad was my hero this weekend. First and foremost because Cory puked all over him at the parade in front of a bunch of people we don't know and he handled it gracefully. Secondly, because he didn't punch a clown in the face for being a complete jerk.
Apparently a few moments after Cory had yakked all over Chad, a clown passed by and said,
"Uh, oh! Someone made a mess. Didn't your mommy teach you not to make a mess."

Yep, that's what he said. I missed this as I was trying to grab wipes to help with the clean up. He's lucky I didn't hear him cause I hadn't been puked on and I would have punched him in the face.


  1. That picture of Caleb is CLASSIC.. What kind of drugs is he on there?? HAHA.. Glad you are all better and I can not stand clowns, they freak me out!!!!

  2. Pretty sure he was delirious with fever :)
