Friday, May 7, 2010

Why wasn't I told...?

I realized some time ago that there are certain things that people don't fully explain to expectant parents. Either that or they did and it's just one of those things you have to understand through experience.

One of those things is that there are times/days that you won't like your child. WHAT?? I thought being a mom was going to be dreamy and, sure, hard, but mostly just great!
Maybe other parents have managed to avoid these "disliking" moments, but I sure haven't. I, of course, love my children. They are fun, interesting, unique and simply wonderful.

That being said, I could have gone without my youngest today. Truly, if I had woken up and someone else had taken him all day and not brought him home til bedtime, I would not have been upset and I doubt I would have missed him much. Sounds harsh when I put it to words. Just being honest.

He's insanely stubborn. Twice today I went to put him down for a nap. No go.
A few weeks ago, I simply had to have him give everyone a kiss, say good night and lay him down. Just like that. He'd go to sleep.
Now's it's World War III everytime I say nap. Quite frankly, he's a punk. I've told him such, but he doesn't seem to think that's a bad thing.

I go between being a total hard ass and not letting him be in charge to just flat out getting tired and letting him get up and do whatever he wants. He wears me out.

I remember this time, this age with my other kids. It's so fun in some ways. They're funny, goofy and learn something new every day. I keep telling myself to find the good things about him today. It's been slim pickins'.

And here's the doesn't matter. He can be a total punk, completely uncooperative, and just a total pain and I still love him like crazy. I'll keep him cause I'm banking on the fact that some day, probably sooner then later, I'll miss this time in our lives.

Here's hoping tomorrow is better...

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