Sunday, October 24, 2010

All ready go

My camera had seemingly saw it's last picture a few weeks back.

I sadly set it on the counter and mourned the loss of another camera as I started dreaming about my next one.

Then a few days ago, Autumn came upstairs with the camera and said she thought she fixed it.
I don't know how, but it works again.
It's old and doesn't take the greatest pictures, but I'm ok with that right now!

So, just to get back in the swing of putting pics on my blog, here's a few for you from this morning...

He was packing his bag for church.
That's all the kid needs.

He had shoes on, which is apparently all you really need to go to church.
He said, "All ready go, Mom."

Bubby was left behind and not happy. He and I are hanging at home a little longer this morning. At least long enough for the kid to put some clothes on :)


  1. this happened to me recently too!!! it had been sitting on the desk for months, maybe a year, and i just decided to put some batteries in it and try it....before i threw it away... and it worked!!! i was in shock! so, yea for cameras coming back to life for us! :) love that you call klove bubby! i call the girls all kinds of goofy names!
