Friday, October 15, 2010

Smoke alarms

Ours work.
Do yours??
I know this because ours went off at 6:30 a.m. this morning. Twice.
Apparently, our insane early bird, Elijah, was up and trying to make hot chocolate in the microwave.
Something from this attempt is what set the alarm off. Still not sure what though, cause nothing was actually smoking.
All I know is that the alarm went off at 6:30, I sat up in bed and said "Sh**!"
Chad had hauled downstairs with lightening speed cause I didn't even register he was gone at first.
I didn't smell smoke or see smoke so I laid back down waiting for him to come back with a report as to the cause or for him to yell for us to all get out of the house.

As I laid back down, Cory, who had climbed into bed with us around 3 said "What's that sound?" Seriously?? The blaring, obnoxious noise and that's all he's got??
Oh and he had peed in our bed so I think it must have scared the pee right out of him and he didn't even notice! He's amazing...

So that's how my day started. I'm tired...

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I am laughing at the pee part. Sorry.. hehe
