Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My momma is coming!

Mi Madre y mi Padre
They are basically awesome.
And I'm super excited about my mom coming for a visit.

I get to see my mom quite a bit, but there's nothing like a REAL visit.
Most of our visits consist of an "event" or a project.
I go back to my hometown and see my parents often and they come out to our house a few times a year.
It's usually super busy, lots of running around and not a whole lot of time to just visit.

This time it's a visit for visiting sake and I'm so happy!

It's been a stressful few months with the house, moving, football season, etc. and I have just needed some MOM time!!!
We have a few things planned out to do...Halloween parade, time at the lake with friends, football on Saturday.
Most looking forward to just hanging out!
Here's to MOM TIME!! :)


  1. :) You've earned the "Mom Time" big sis. Give her an extra big hug and kiss for me. Love you both super much!

  2. I'm so happy you get some time - I know you'll both enjoy it!
