Friday, January 27, 2012

Sick babies, sleep deprivation and gratitude

We've been super fortunate healthwise this winter, if you want to call it a winter.  Hard to believe "winter" means 50 degree weather most days.
I will forever compare our illnesses to the winter of 2010-2011, which was actually a legitimate winter with snow and below 0 temps.  We were sick for 3+ months straight.  It was painful and depressing.
We've got a bout of the flu making it's rounds now and it's ok.  I don't like it when they're sick.  It means sleepless nights for us all, tears, pain and discomfort. But they let me snuggle with them and they'll get better.  We'll ride this out and be ok soon.
Having sick kids for a few days ALWAYS makes me appreciate that I have healthy kids 99 % of the time.  I may lose sleep going from one child to the next all night, but some parents do that every night for months or years. 
It's so easy to fall into the "poor me" syndrome when kids are sick, plans have to be changed and you're stuck at home for days at a time.  I've been there. 
What I've found to work much better is to hug them and kiss them, watch movies with them and thank God that they will be back to their normal, destructive, obnoxious, loud selves soon.


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