Sunday, December 5, 2010

Warning: Totally biased opinions to follow...

I think my kids are awesome.  They are the smartest, cutest, funniest little people around. 
I told you this was a biased opinion!
Anyway, as I mentioned in an earlier post, E, A and C have been taking piano lessons. 
Elijah has had 2 lessons and Cory and Autumn have had just one each.  They do play quite a bit on their own and I help here and there.
Elijah played in his first piano recital this afternoon.  With just 2 lessons under his belt, he managed to get up in front of  40+ people and play his Jolly Ole St. Nicholas perfectly.  It's hard to get up in front of people, peroid, but to get up in front of strangers,on a grand piano he's never seen, in a place he's never been and play!?!
He's my hero.
And, yep, I was proud!


  1. I'm impressed - good for him! Love those nephews and niece of mine! :)

  2. As you should be!! Sounds dang impressive to me! Apparently, I have a nephew who is a piano whiz... and I think he's beginning to intimidate me a bit! My 9 year old nephew is sounding more talented than I'll ever be! Yay for your wonderful kids!
