Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

As I'm sitting at my parents' this morning, not going to church, without Chad and half our Christmas presents at home, I'm reminded, yet again, that our best laid plans are sometimes interrupted.
The plan was to go home yesterday morning in time to get to the gym and for Chad to get to work on time.  Our plans were derailed with an incident involving a deer the evening before.  Bambi's mom (sorry!!) decided to jump in front of our car and did what we thought was manageable damage.  The next morning, Christmas Eve, we made it about 30 minutes down the road when we concluded we weren't making it home without a mechanic's help.  After stalling at the top of an off ramp, pushing the car into a truck stop and some help from the cashiers, we found a mechanic that was actually open on Christmas Eve.
At this point we were still hopeful we would get home that night, as we thought the damage was a coolant line.
Turns out we busted our radiator beyond repair and our car had a rare setup that requires the car to be essentially dismantled in order to replace a radiator.  Poor mechanic was so kind.  I felt horrible that he was here on Christmas Eve working.  He said it would be the evening before he would get it done as the new radiator wouldn't get in til 130.  So, mom, dad and Dan came and got us and we headed back to my parents, without our luggage/stuff, thinking we would be back that evening.
Phone call around 130.  Wrong radiator came in and now the car wouldn't get fixed til Wednesday morning.
With Chad having to work and a now HEFTY bill for the car, we had to get Chad home.  My parents, again, selfless and beyond kind, offered their car for him to take.  So he took off for home and the kids and I are here til Wednesday with only our clothes we are wearing, when we'll get the car, pay the bill(ugh), and head home.

Now the good parts...we get a few more days at my parents.  Never a bad thing.  My mom's dear friend down the road heard we were without most of our presents and delivered a bag of gifts for the kids and one for me!!  Tears ensued.  My sweet friend had given us her camera to give to Autumn when she heard that is what she wanted.  I was able to go pick it up and wrap it for her to have here! Being the procrastinator I am, I still had a few things left to get and was able to pick those up so the kids did have a few things to open.

It's easy to throw a pity party, but I can't stay there. I'm bummed we aren't together on Christmas.  I'm bummed our "big" present is at home.  I'm bummed Chad is at home alone on Christmas, although he'll sleep the day away since he has to work tonight.  I'm bummed I didn't think to grab extra clothes so my boys are in PJs til Wednesday and I'm in baggy jeans and a sweatshirt.  I'm bummed we aren't in church this morning because I'm too proud to take my kids to church in their PJs(I know! No one would care.) 

But really and truly, its ok.  Pity parties make me grumpy, anyway. We are warm, loved, and cared for.  We are quite literally out of money, but we're safe.  We're not together, but it's not the first time, and we'll celebrate on Wednesday.  We were blessed beyond measure by friends and family.  My kids are super low maintainence at my parents which is a welcome break for this over-worked momma.  I'm so very grateful for this day.  This unplanned, interrupted, not what I expected Christmas day. 
Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. I really feel for you on this. When I was 7, our engine blew up on the side of a mountain in Kentucky while we were on our way to Illinois for Thanksgiving. I won't go into all the details of the rather traumitc trip; I'm not entirely sure how we finally made it the IL. Once there, our car was in ship for the better part of 5 days, thanks to the holiday. We too left most of our baggage in the car. This resulted in us taking a professional family photo with me wearing my cousins shoes that were too small and hurt and my brother wearing his boy scout uniform. ;) It was rough but we survived. And many lessons and miracles were experienced from it. Love you Sarah, Merry Christmas!
