Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I homeschool. In fact, I'm doing it right now. No, really, I am. Autumn is reading to me. I guess, technically, I've been homeschooling for about 4 years. You'd think I would have it figured out by now, but I'm told that having it all figured out about anything is a pipe dream. I have a love/hate relationship with homeschooling. I love it, I really do... maybe 82% of the time. I'm probably personality-wise the last person who should be homeschooling. I don't like schedules, I'd rather just play all day. I'm not a teacher. I haven't been trained how to teach math or reading. I love learning what I want when I want and I've noticed I teach that way. I really think younger kids learn so much from playing, living together, working together, talking, etc. I'd much rather have a child who has a strong character then one who can recite the history of Greece(we just finished up Greece and we both loved it). Now, ideally, we could raise children who can do both, but alot of days I feel like I have to focus on one or the other.
So, some days we do a lot and some days we don't do any "school". Today I think I love it cause we're blowing through our lessons, Autumn has a great attitude, and Caleb has been sleeping so I feel like I can focus. Tomorrow...well that isn't here yet is it?

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