Thursday, April 8, 2010

Love/Hate relationships

No, not people relationships. I think that all relations you have with people should just be loving ones...or at least liking ones...ok, at the very least tolerating in a loving way types of relationships.

I'm talking about those relationships that I have with things or behaviors. There are some things that I just purely love, like chocolate, for example. I can not recall a single time that I thought I hated chocolate.

Now excercise, that is one for sure. I love to hate it, or hate to love it, not sure which. Currently, I think I hate it, no love it, no hate it. See the dilemma? On one hand, I love that I feel stronger, I'm not quite so jiggly and most of the time it just makes me feel better. Then there are those times, I just don't want to do it, therefore I hate it. This is, I think, in order to convince myself that I can take a break. At times, working out makes it difficult for me to go up and down stairs or sit on the toilet, things that I need to do on a daily basis. Despite that, I'm planning on keeping it up for now.
Homeschooling. That's another one. See previous post of how often I love it. Most of the time, but not all. Maybe that's the key, if you love it MOST of the time, keep at it, but if you hate it most of the time, move on.

Relationships, I'm talking about people relationships now, are complicated (talk about a shift, huh?). I can honestly say, I don't hate a soul. Not that I never have, just that I don't right now. It's so much work to hate someone. There are alot of people in my life ,right now, that I just flat out love, which makes it difficult for hate to creep in. Besides the obvious people, like my husband and kids, I've been blessed with beautiful friendships. Some are old(the friendships, not the friends), some are very new, but all add much to my life. I'm really thankful for those, and for the ones that have waned or disappeared. I know it takes a lot of effort to maintain any relationship, so I try not to be too hard on others or myself when some drift. I love relationships. All kinds, the easy ones, the hard ones, the weak and the strong ones. They give life so much depth.
Til next time...

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the exercise thing! Love to hate, hate to love...depends on the moment! Chocolate, on the other hand, is my best friend.
