Monday, August 23, 2010

Craigslist, floors, and lunges...

It's a random sort of day so here's a random sort of post...welcome to my world :)

Our recent lack of money,...oh who am I kidding?...Our continuing lack of money has caused me to list a bunch of stuff on craigslist that I no longer need/want.

I have a serious addiction to craigslist.
As in I'm on it every day.
I don't really buy much. Here and there I've gotten things we've needed, like these bad boys :)

It's mostly a fascination with what people are getting rid of and what value they put to things.
And quite frankly, we couldn't have made it this month if people hadn't bought our stuff. So, I don't know who Craig is, but I love his list!

If you've read some of my other posts,(and since I actually have a few blog stalkers, I can say that now!!), our floors were something I was super excited about when we moved into our new house.
Remember these beautiful floors!

They don't look quite like that anymore.

I love them.
I do.
I really do.
No, really, I do. (I'm trying to brainwash myself. Just give me a minute...)

So anyway, I mop alot, but not nearly enough to make them look nice and lovely all the time.
I'm shopping around for rugs...on craigslist :)

And finally, on this random day...lunges.

Might I recommend that you DO NOT under ANY circumstance, for ANY reason,
even if your husband will call you a wuss if you don't
and a friend is stupid enough to join you,
and even if you're held at gunpoint(well, maybe then),
do 400 meters of walking lunges.


  1. I must mention that my dear friend who did join me in the lunges had the sense to say many times that we should stop. I should have listened! Love ya, Shannon!!

  2. Let me introduce myself. I am Sarah's "stupid" friend. The one that can't climb stairs, sit on a toilet, or get in and out of a car without thinking of my lovely friend, Sarah. She was full of encouragement and pushed me to finish. It felt good to actually complete 400m of lunges (which is STUPID) and I was so grateful for her, not so much! HA! I LOVE YOU, TOO and am so glad we are in this together! ;)

  3. Oh, see my plan worked. I just wanted you to think about me more :)

  4. Ha! (Sorry did I laugh out loud?) You are lucky to have good friends - as your sister, I would have totally ditched you on that one!

  5. I wish I would have ditched myself! The second day of soreness is always worse so I'm SO not looking forward to waking up tomorrow!

  6. Bahaha. I wish I could have been there. I would have cried and curled up in the fetal position I think. Your floors will be clean when you are done fixing things and there is no longer dust being moved about. Do we have a blog stalking club or something? Can I join? If initiation is lunges.. I love you..but not happening.

  7. Oh yeah, I have at least 4 or 5 people stalking me now, I think. Celebrity status, baby...and yes they all did lunges in order to be my groupies, so get movin' :)

  8. i, noelle, am a proud sarah blog stalker. grace you are welcome to join, only requirement is total adoration of sarah...are you down? :) hahaha!!

  9. oh this is the right profile...oopsie!
