Sunday, August 29, 2010

My house is quiet...

and that's not necessarily a good thing.

It's Sunday, which has usually been "Everybody Nap Day" around here, but we haven't done that for awhile because when Elijah naps he usually doesn't go to bed til 11 and then it's just a long week of grumpiness.

Today, though, I reinstated "Everybody Nap Day" cause I could not
for one.



handle the insanity that is my 4 kids today.
See not necessarily a good thing that it's all quiet around here.
I yelled, stomped around and sent everyone to bed.
Not good.

Half of the problem is my current state of mind, which is just generally stressed and half is their inability to like or be kind to each other for more then 15 seconds.

I needed a break.
So I swept the floors for the one thousandth time, knowing full well that I will do it again at least 2 more times today.
Then I made some coffee and put a scoop of ice cream in it cause I can and sat down to write.
Here's to a LONG "Everybody Nap Day!"


  1. The "because you can" stuff is the best part of being an adult. :) I think God invented naps so that mommy's could either get rest or mental health time, which ever they need more at the moment. Hang in there and call if you need to!

  2. omg. this is totally what my day is like today! maybe i need a time out to have a frappe, take a few breaths and charge on through... whatever route i take, tomorrow has to be better, right?

  3. I think "Everybody Nap Day" might have been thee sole reason our mother was able to raise all of us. I remember hating it and then at one point in my life wishing I could have time for a nap. :) Good for you!!! Glad you know when to take 5 for yourself. Thats a little victory for all Moms or crazy wanna-be moms like me who nanny instead. :D

  4. Ice Cream in my coffee sounds amazing! I can't believe I never thought of that.
