Wednesday, August 18, 2010

School days, school days

It's started. School.
Such mixed feelings every year at this time for me. With one in public school and 2 homeschooling this year and a 2 year old, each day is a juggle.
This time of year makes me think about our schooling decisions. Which inevitably leads me to question our decisions, incessantly.

Should we just homeschool everyone?
Should we send them in sooner, later, never?
Can I really do this?

Same questions every year. I would think at some point, I would just know.

It seems in my circle of friends, the start of school is like a celebration of sorts. For those that are sending their Kindergarteners off, there are a few tears, but for the most part, it seems everyone breaths a collective sigh of relief.

I don't ever really have that relief when my oldest goes to school.
I get anxious, not about all the fun, great things he'll do and learn, but about the other stuff.

What's he going to learn from his peers that I'd rather he didn't yet, if at all?

He has a great time in school and he really does well academically. So what's my problem? I don't know. It's just a thing.
I have a feeling we'll end up homeschooling everyone again.
I just need to wrap my brain around it, I think.


  1. Sarah, you're raising wonderful kids!! You've done a phenomenal job so far and your son will keep all those values you've already instilled in him and his siblings with him no matter what he may learn from his peers. Mine do learn things in public school from their peers that I'd rather they didn't know, but they know they can come to me and talk about it. I'm confident your kids are the same. You have some great kids, be proud and know you're doing a great job no matter what you decide!
