Friday, January 7, 2011

I do not keep score...

I heard some marriage advice once that said you shouldn't keep score with your spouse about who did what or who didn't do this or that. 
Something about how when people keep score their point systems are different and that can cause resentment or whatever.
I agree wholeheartedly...
Except for this one time.
As in my previous posts, it's been sick central around here since before Christmas.
My super awesome hubs who is G-R-E-A-T with sick people (he's also great with regular, healthy people, too)  is leaving me for 4 days with the germs and whines and requests for popsicles and juice.
It's the annual football coaches convention and it's awesome if you're a football coach, or you want to be one, or used to be one or are married to one.
Anyway, he offered to not go today because I'm 99% sure Elijah now has the dreaded mono-like virus that I think Autumn and Cory are ALMOST recovered from and he's a dear and probably thought he should offer to stay even though he would HATE to miss the convention and all the hob-knobbing (is that a word?), and seeing some of his coaching friends.
And that's why I love him, folks.

I, of course, told him he had to go cause it really is a big deal and it's alot of fun for him.
Here's the catch... and because I value my marriage, it's not really a "secret" catch, cause Chad has a radar for stuff like this...
I'm planning a SERIOUS girls getaway in Feb. or March. 
3-4 days with some of my favorite girls in a city I love-OMAHA!!!

So, of course, I'm not going to give him a hard time about leaving. 
It will suck. 
I might cry at some point, cause I'm so sick of sick people (see previous post), 

BUT when my weekend rolls around, I will hug and kiss my beautiful family and drive away with visions of adult conversation over adult beverages, sleeping uninterrupted, and doing whatever I want for a few days.

So, anyway, I don't know what the score is, nor do I care, but it will be EVEN when I get back from my girls' trip!! ;)


  1. You're too funny! I'm praying that next several weeks go by quickly for you.... followed by a long 4 days of awesomeness! I also really hope the kiddos get back to themselves soon!

  2. Thanks, Jacque!! Want to come to OMAHA??? It'll be super fun :)

  3. Oh, how I wish I would have some spare cash to make a road trip.... one of these days!!

  4. YEAH!!! I can NOT WAIT! I too am needing some SERIOUS girl time... Love ya and hang in there. Maybe this is all the sickness they will have for 2011!! :)
