Thursday, March 24, 2011


I don't know if I've said this before, but this kid can talk...ALOT! 
This gives us ample opportunity to hear all kinds of funny phrases!
A few I've noticed lately...
1. "Watch yo mouth."  It's the tone that matters on this one.  Sometimes he says it all sweet and other times he says it with full on thug attitude.
2."I don't care about that."  Often said after I ask him to do something.  I might have just stood there with my mouth open the first time he said it.
3. "What your name is?"  He always wants to know people's names.  Even the ones he already knows. 
4.  We play this little game called "Guess what?"  Basically, he says "Guess what?" I say, "What?" and he says whatever he wants.  Then I say, "Caleb, guess what?", he says, "What?" and I say, "I love you."  Well this one time, I started saying words that rhyme with what instead.   So instead of I love you, I said, "Chicken butt."  I don't just came out and it rhymed.  We laughed.
Fast forward to the next day.  Walking through the frozed section of the grocery store and Caleb says, "Mom, guess what?" Me: "What."  Caleb: "CHICKEN BUTT, HAHAHA, CHICKEN BUTT!!"


  1. I might have just snorted and peed a little in a sudden burst of laughter of this. Bahahaha. Coolest. Kid. Ever. hahaha..and here come the tears. :'D

  2. Your kids are awesome! But you already knew that. I love and miss all you guys!

  3. my dad always used to play "guess what" what "chicken butt" to us! that was always his response!!
