Friday, February 24, 2012

Life goes on...

Not much slows us down, unfortunately.I had 2 days of near bliss with the hubs home and basically bed or couch-ridden.  I'm not kidding that I dream about that.  I could just lay or sit down next to him whenever I want.  For a girl who barely sees him for days on end, I'm telling ya, I was possibly a little thankful for that broken arm.

It only kept him home for about 2 1/2 days, though.  He's slowly getting back to work and sleeping the rest of the time. 
I haven't decided if he's sleeping so much cause he's tired or depressed.  I'm leaning towards the latter so I'll be keeping a close eye on him.  Don't tell him that if you see him though.
No word from Haiti yet.  I was told they only check email once or twice a week so I'm trying to be patient.  It's hard.

Last basketball weekend for this season.  We're going to divide and conquer again, but it generally works out ok.  I've really enjoyed watching the kids play this year.  They're just so stinkin' cute...don't tell Elijah that though.  He's a 5th grader and can't be "cute" anymore.
I went to see The Music Man tonight with my lovely friend, Nancy.  It was wonderful.  I so enjoy theater and every time I go to something I remember why, but I don't go nearly enough. 
I'm all over the place in this post.  Lots of things on my mind.
I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend at some point...say in 15 years or so...hopefully not quite that long.

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