Thursday, August 7, 2014


I don't often post about our gym, CrossFit Pathos. It's not because I don't have a lot to say about it, cause I do.  It's more because I choose not to, because I feel a little bit like its private.  Not the actual fact that we own a CrossFit gym, but the happenings there are not ours to share.  I don't know that I could have due diligence with what people entrust us with and so I often choose to say very little in order to guard that haven for so many.  When you work closely with people and share in their process of health and fitness, life gets shared, and relationships are built.  The truth is it's an incredible community of people and they are a daily part of our lives.  We love that we get to own and run a gym full of awesome people.
This endeavor has provided us with many opportunities for growth. Owner/coach/finances/cleaning lady/event organizer/maintenance/counselor/book keeper/athlete all combine to make for many experiences.
It's not easy running a business of any kind.  Add in the layers and layers that are CrossFit and you have a business that is unlike many others.  It's not just exercise.  It's not just a place to workout. It's not just about meeting new people.  It's not just about helping people be more healthy or mobile. It's not just about community. It's certainly not about the money and it's not about the competitions or events.
It's about all of those things...and more.  

Yet, it is not and will never be without it's challenges.  Many of which our members will never know.  Although it is a community, it's not a gossip station.  What one person shares with us is not for the community to know and again why I don't write much about it. We have from the very beginning strived to be a safe place both in environment and in our confidence with our members.  That has required us to withhold details as to some decisions we have had to make.  That has required us to continue to navigate situations in which we feel like our gym and our community is being compromised.  Most people wouldn't see it or understand it because they don't know the depth of it or can't see the undermining nature of it.   
And that's the way it should be.  Our business has as much to do about people and their lives, as it has to do with fitness.  People matter.  We want a place where anyone can come and work out and hang out, free from drama or gossip.  We don't always succeed at this, but we work very hard to maintain that.  We value the relationships that are built during and after workouts and we feel a responsibility for those.
It really is a gift to be able to do something we so enjoy and getting to share it with people we genuinely like.  We don't take that for granted and we hope our community doesn't either.

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