Thursday, August 7, 2014

Just around the corner

Summer is coming to an end and I can't tell if I'm sad about it or super jazzed.  I do love summer.  It's my type of personality's favorite kind of time.  
Sleeping in or going back to sleep after CF classes, hot pool days, porch time, no schedule, library visits, and vacations.  
My favorites.
Yet, there is this buzz about going back to school.  This year for the very first time and WAY before I ever thought it would come, all four peeps will be at school.  
All day.
I will do the morning rush and come home to an empty house.  I can't tell if I'm sad(I REALLY, REALLY AM!) or I'm super jazzed(I REALLY, REALLY AM!)  It's such an odd transition to be in.  I have no aspirations of a cleaner house or a more organized life.  It's just not in me, but I do have aspirations of naps and book reading and studying, again.  Because, if they are going to be in school, I should be too, right?  I will be taking a few classes this semester and it will be fine.  This will be my last semester of pre-req's before I can submit for the PTA program.  I am super jazzed about that.  It's progress, people, and I don't always do progress so this is kinda huge on my scale.

We went to visit the middle school today.  E and A will be there and I can't tell you how excited I am for them to have this year together.  E will be going away to high school next year and they will have this year of memories and shared experiences to build on.
My Corky will be going to school for the first time. 3rd grade.  The same as Elijah was when he first went.  I'm sad.  Not jazzed about this one.  I told him last night that it's not fair that someone else will get to look at that face all day.  And I'll miss him so much.  To which he just smiled the sweetest smile and gave me a hug.  Heart melty mush.

And the baby.  He is so excited.  I asked him what he thought of being at school all day rather than half day and he said, "Isn't it so awesome!"  I said I'll miss you so much to which he replied, "Yeah. Do you know I'll get to eat lunch there?"  A different kind of heart melty mush.
It's all good.  Every bit of it.  It's going to be a different year.  

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya sister. I get to keep one...or three really, but just one for school. I don't think it's sunk in yet. I'm not at all ready for it to. Love.
