Tuesday, August 12, 2014


We have semi-joked on and off that Caleb will most likely be running his own business some day.  He'll be the President or be running the show in prison, we'd joke.  I doubt he'll play the middle of the field, professionally.  Mostly because his temperament doesn't seem to like to be told what to do unless it was his idea in the first place.  He's in charge, whether he actually is or not is irrelevant.  He is stubborn and persistent.
Case in point...
On Saturday at the CrossFit competition, there was a table set up that had bottles of water for anyone to take throughout the day. Free bottles of water.  
Caleb spent most of the day outside the gym, playing and getting impressively dirty.  He also saw an opportunity.  He took several bottles of free water and proceeded to spend the day trying to sell each bottle for $1 to the people milling around the gym.  There was a decent group, but obviously, not too many takers on the selling the free water for a $1 thing.  
I would tell him throughout the day that no one is going to buy the water from him for several reasons.  
1. He was filthy.  Like dirt all over his face and hands and arms and clothes.  And he wasn't wearing any shoes.  Just socks.  With newly formed holes in the heels.  I said later to a friend, I'm not sure exactly when I stopped caring if he looked like a ragamuffin, but it's become obvious that I have also stopped caring what people think about me in regards to him.  He does his thing, people.  Love him (and me) or not.  I'm cool with it. 
2. The water he was selling was not always a full, unopened bottle of water.  Not sure if he poured some of it out or drank some of it or what, but it was clearly not fresh.  Or cold, for that matter.  
3. The obvious reason being, he was selling his water for $1 in close proximity to free water.  Not always the best move.
He was not deterred by my observations.  
Towards the end of the day, he came running up to me waving a $5 bill.  "Mom!  Someone paid me $5 for a bottle of water.  Yes!! I knew it!"
Thanks, nice lady who gave my dirty, stubborn, persistent, adorable boy the $5 for reminding him that Mom is wrong and he can make money selling an inferior product.
And more importantly, thank you for looking past the dirt and sometimes annoying determination and seeing his sweet face and funny personality and helping him to believe in himself and his grand ideas.   
Those things far outweigh any lessons I was trying to teach him. 

There needs to be more people like you in the world.

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