Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lazy or genius??

Here's the thing...I don't mind reading to my kids.
I don't LOVE it or HATE it. I enjoy it sometimes and other times I don't. Mostly I've done it because I know how beneficial it is and they enjoy it.
So, lately, I haven't really felt like reading to them much. Don't know why, just haven't.

Oh wait, let me back track...since we've moved we have not had TV. We have a TV that the kids can watch movies on, but no stations.
For that reason, before bed, everyone sits and reads instead of watching TV.

Now we're back to my point...which was????

Oh, right! Reading to my kids.
So, I've enlisted Elijah and Autumn to read to Cory and Caleb. For some reason when I read to Caleb we get about 2 words in and he wants to get up/turn the page/rip the page/scream...just pick one.

However, when Elijah or Autumn read to him, he just sits there. Not all the time and not perfectly, but WAY more then with me. So, I think we may keep this going. Elijah and Autumn both enjoy it so why not?

Lazy or genius???

I haven't decided yet.


  1. Hmmm..Lets just say that you are en-genius-ing (not a word) your children while remaining lazy yourself. I mean, you re a big girl now so you don't need to learn and be enriched by reading right?

  2. absolutely positively genius. lazy is me getting the books on dvd from the library, hitting play and going to watch survivor on tv.
