Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I've been wanting to paint our piano for awhile now, but wasn't sure if I wanted to do a color or just black.  After looking at many different ideas, I settled on painting it black, but with a turquoise base so I could distress it and have some of that turquoise come through.  So that was what I set out to do last weekend.
 The piano was given to us by a friend and it's been much loved.  I sanded it down to get rid of the shine and taped along the keys.  I tried to do that pretty carefully, but I still had to scrape paint off the keys when I was done.
This is Max.  I was a little worried for awhile cause he was laying behind the piano and in a deep sleep for quite some time.  Thought maybe he was unconscious from the fumes.  He eventually woke up.

 Primed.  I loved this color.  Weird to like a primer color, I know, but it was such a nice blue/grey.    Much prettier then the picture shows.  I'm considering getting it for a bathroom.
 Coat one.  I used a sponge brush so I didn't have stroke marks.  It worked pretty well.
AND NOW.... The final product!!

It's not black.  I know this, but I loved the turquoise so much I couldn't bring myself to paint over it!  I haven't put any coats of poly on it yet, but will be so it will hopefully last longer!
My house is for the most part devoid of color so this wall is "loud" by all standards.  I like it.  It's good for now...and I can always paint it black later!


  1. Love it - and the pictures you have on the wall are awesome!

  2. Katie's pictures go perfect with it!!! Super love! And you better be careful..You might begin to like non beige colors :)
