Friday, November 11, 2011

For your freedom...

It's hard to imagine the individual sacrifices of millions, but if you have the opportunity to hear just one story from one veteran today consider yourself fortunate.  It means that vet survived and is alive to tell you their story.
I am honored to be from a family with a history of military service.
Both of my grandfathers served.  2 of my brothers have at one time been in. My younger brother, Isaac, is currently on deployment.  My husband served for 4 1/2 years of which I am eternally grateful to have been given the window into that life.  It is so hard to describe or imagine unless you have done it.  Both of Chad's brothers still serve as Navy Chaplains.  His dad was in the Air Force.  I know there are many more in our extended family. 
I had to say goodbye many times over 4+ years.  Once when I had a 19 month old and a 10 day old baby.  Chad wasn't going to a war zone, so I didn't fear for his life, but thousands and millions over the years have had to endure, knowing their spouse was in daily danger.
I stand in awe of those who not only sacrificed while they were in the military, but are able to carry the memories of war with them for a lifetime.
I'll never forget my Grandma Dahlke telling me about the weeks after London was bombed during WWII when she didn't know if my grandpa was alive.  Last she had heard, he was in London.  3 weeks she waited for that news.  3 weeks!!
Can you even imagine that? 
My grandpa was not one to talk alot about his memories or experiences.  Thankfully, my grandma was.  I would imagine my grandpa saw things he just didn't want to share. 
War is ugly.
I think there are many Americans that don't want to truly understand war.  We don't want our day to day lives disrupted, but we don't really want to know how that is maintained. 
I'm also a firm believer that war creates a magnitude of destruction and chaos that should be avoided, if at all possible.    
There is one thing I know for certain and why Veterans Day is so very important...and that is sacrifice is sacrifice, whether that is time, resources, skills, a limb, or a life.  Each and every veteran and those serving now sacrifice something so that my day to day is not disturbed with gun fire and bombs, persecution or dictatorship.  I can raise my children in a safe community, go to the church I choose, shop at the stores I want, in essence, choose. 
I get to choose.  Millions around the world are not given that freedom.
So thank a veteran and their families today for not only sacrificing for your freedom, but for the freedoms of those across the world as well.

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