Thursday, November 3, 2011


I cannot for the life of me get this kid...

to eat anything except pb&j and cheese quesadillas.
I think he, in fact, as a little bit of peanut butter on his face in this picture.
Here's what he eats on a regular basis: scrambled eggs, pb&j, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, cheese pizza, and pretty much any fruit.
That's about it.  No soups, casseroles, crockpot concoctions... nothing. 
He'll randomly say he likes green beans or broccoli, but that's hit or miss and it can't be mixed with anything.
It mostly annoys me and rarely deters me from trying to get him to eat whatever it is I cook. 
I refuse to make a meal for 6 people based solely on the likes and dislikes of one person. 
So, I just keep hoping one of these days he's try something new and say, "hey, that's pretty good," and we can add to the list of things he'll eat. 
Until then, I'll keep making food he probably won't eat.  Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! This was definitely me as a child..... and my palate did NOT change until I made it out in the world, and I worked at restaurants that made me try new foods. I did her a doctor on tv say not to force foods on kids, and most the time pbandj is more healthy than what our meals consist of.... that helped me through our rough picky stage.
