Beautiful fall day a few weeks back so we hiked Coronado Heights! One of the kids favorite places to explore.
Trick or Treat down Main St. is a fun annual tradition in our town!
Michael Jordan, biker girl, red ninja and Red Power Ranger had a great time!
First annual Costume WOD! These people know how to have a good time! Wicked fun night!!
Morning after the Costume WOD we opened the gym to be the start/finish line for a Costume 5K. Cory did the whole stinkin' thing! His friend, Leah, ran it all too! Sometimes this kid just blow me away.
So before all this Halloween fun, we surprised Little A with her birthday/Christmas present. A trip to Florida to visit her aunt, uncle and cousins! She was speechless and so excited.
This will be for me the sweetest memory. Just before we pushed back on our first flight. She turned right after I took this picture and just smiled so, so big. It was priceless time with her.
A full day at Sea World!
Mic and I waiting in line for a ride.
Sierra and I
Nathan and I (Sierra with a scary photo bomb!)
Pool time in October is a sweet deal.
Birthday girl! 11 years old
And just because it was a sweet moment
Autumn was somewhat sick yesterday so I let her stay home, which meant she volunteered to help Cory with his schoolwork. :)